Trials fusion easter eggs
Trials fusion easter eggs

trials fusion easter eggs

Naturally, many difficult challenges throughout the series involve beating entire levels using the Donkey. It's a minibike, and while it does boast some fairly decent speed, it's very bottom-heavy, meaning it's difficult to even accelerate the damn thing and move forward without flipping the bike over backwards and crashing. Interface Screw: Fusion has some challenges which task you to complete the level from a behind view, while the controls are still left-to-right.Rule of Cool and Rule of Cute are very much in effect. Gratuitous Ninja: The Xbox exclusive Awesome Adventure DLC in Fusion has the rider turn into Microsoft's unofficial mascot Ninja Cat who rides a fire breathing unicorn instead of a bike.The player can also create floating platforms in the Level Editor there's no requirement that they be supported. Floating Platforms: Certain levels (such as the "dream" level in Trials HD) still feature them.All the tracks are possible using the correct bike.

trials fusion easter eggs trials fusion easter eggs

Everything Explodes Ending: Trials Evolution features the player humorously exploding in some way at the end of nearly every track.Every Car Is a Pinto: Bikes, in some cases, will explode with little provocation.Exploding Barrels: Oh, are they aplenty.Alternate Reality Game: Both Trials and Evolution had two of the most complex ARGs out there, with the latter having a solution that will only be revealed in 2113, 100 years after the game's release.One level in Trials Evolution features pipes that shoot a burst of water/air and launch the player. Air-Aided Acrobatics: Certain levels in Trials HD feature fans that levitate the player.Evolution takes this Up to Eleven as the 2D track itself can turn left or right, but the player is still restricted to the plane of the track. 2❝: Every game from Trials HD onward displays courses in 3D on a 2D plane.The games used to be published by Xbox Game Studios, but ever since Fusion, they've instead been published by Ubisoft. Trials Rising (PS4/Xbox One/Windows/Nintendo Switch).Trials of the Blood Dragon (PS4/XBLA/Windows).

Trials fusion easter eggs