Ygopro 2 crashing
Ygopro 2 crashing

ygopro 2 crashing

  • Android: The platform setting for Android plugins now defaults to "Android" instead of "Any Platform".
  • Android: Post process now executed before app is pushed to device.
  • Android: Input.backButtonLeavesApp = true now exits gracefully.
  • Android: Gradle build and project export now support icon override.
  • Android: Fixed auto-rotation on Android 4.1 and older.
  • ygopro 2 crashing

  • Android: Fixed an issue where pausing during the splash screen would cause sprites to be black.
  • Android: Fixed an exception when trying to build to a non-existent path.
  • Android: Fixed a crash when reloading or resuming scene which uses WebCamTexture.
  • Android: First scene is now loaded asynchronously while the splash screen is displayed.
  • Android: Disabled fence sync on poor performing drivers.
  • Analytics: Fixed occasional Windows editor crash on shutdown.
  • AI: Fix for "!InCrowdSystem" and "!handle.IsValid()" errors seen in console when calling Warp and enabling a disabled NavMeshAgent.
  • Quit the editor and re-open your project and the references should come back correctly. If you find some/all of your object references missing in the inspector do not save your scene. We have only received one bug report and we have not been able to reproduce the issue.
  • Warning about missing object references in the inspector after upgraded to 5.5.

    This will be fixed in a future patch release. iOS: Unity splash screen doesn't show up on iOS builds (856772).Workaround is to use Asset Store package Unity Ads 2.0. Ads: Engine integrated Ads fails to load on iOS builds published to Apple App Store ( 874227).This issue will be fixed in a future version (859350). Editor: Fix for an editor crash when switching platforms on a command line build shipped in 5.5.0p4 has been backed out as it requires further tests.Test Runner: Removed script templates for test runner (as it is not released).Unity Ads: Updated native binaries to version 2.0.6.Shaders: Optimized in-editor import, load time and memory usage for shaders with massive amounts of potential variants.This gives some context on what might be wrong in the shader. Shaders: If an unknown/unhandled error occurs during shader compilation, append it to the shader compiler error message.

    ygopro 2 crashing

  • Metal: Improved handling of transparent rendering after post-opaque image effects when using MSAA.

    macOS/iOS/tvOS: Allow using Xcode's manual signing workflow by specifying a provisioning profile in Player Settings.Graphics: An error message is shown in the console for platforms that don't support linear color space rendering with OpenGL ES.Note that this does not render correctly for ARGB4444 which will be fixed in one of the future releases. This brings native support for RGB565 and ARGB1555 RenderTexture formats. Graphics: Added support for feature level 11.1 on D3D11/D3D12.

    Ygopro 2 crashing